
Wow Pageview Portal-Islam.Id Tinggi Banget, Kok Bisa?

Halo sahabat TintaHitam, kali ini admin ingin sedikit membahas salah satu blog yaitu portal-islam.id. Admin sendiri tidak tahu siapa pemilik dari blog tersebut. Cuman kalo ga salah dulunya blog tersebut memakai domain pkspiyungan.com (tolong koreksi kalau salah).

Dari beberapa review yang membahas mengenai portal-islam.id, ada yang menyatakan bahwa portal-islam.id membuatkan hoax, judul artikelnya Provokatif dan lain sebagainya. Jika admin baca judul-judul artikelnya kebanyakan membahas opini politik dan mengkritik pemerintah.

Namun yang menarik bagi admin dari portal-islam.id bukanlah artikel-artikel yang dibuatnya, alasannya admin sendiri terusterang kurang paham dengan politik. Satu hal yang menciptakan admin tertarik dari portal-islam.id yakni jumlah page views itu loh. Dari tahun 2014 hingga dengan admin publis goresan pena ini page view nya sudah mencapai 786juta lebih.

Kok dapat yah mencapai page view sebanyak itu?

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Apakah ini page view orisinil atau rekayasa?

Jika page view ini rekayasa yang ditampilkan yakni page view bawaan blogger, namun kalau view orisinil gimana caranya dapat mendapat page view sebanyak itu?

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Introduction to Bitcoin

Bitcoin has been within the news the last number of weeks, however a great deal of individuals ar still unaware of them. Could Bitcoin be the future of online currency? This is only 1 of the queries, commonly asked regarding Bitcoin. How Does Bitcoin Work? Bitcoin may be a variety of electronic currency (CryptoCurrency) that's autonomous from ancient banking and came into circulation in 2009. According to a number of the highest on-line traders, Bitcoin is considered as the best known digital currency that relies on computer networks to solve complex mathematical problems, in order to verify and record the small print of every group action created. The Bitcoin rate of exchange doesn't rely upon the financial institution and there's no single authority that governs the availability of CryptoCurrency. However, the Bitcoin worth depends on the amount of confidence its users have, as the more major companies accept Bitcoin as a method of payment, the more successful Bitco

5+ Great Tips to Stop Travel Anxiety

While most folks fancy holidays and traveling, several realize the associated travel anxiety robust in contact. Travel anxiety is not a unwellness however it's rather the concern of the unknown. Fear of travel is typically caused by many factors. Some folks could worry regarding their house and pets once they area unit away whereas others may need had unpleasant traveling experiences throughout their previous visits. Others are afraid of flying. Some fret that the trip can prove to be a disaster and worry regarding all of the small print. All of these are examples of worries related to travel that can lead to varying degrees of uneasiness. Regardless of the causes or intensity of your anxiety, it can really compromise the pleasure and excitement of your trip. Although, travel anxiety is common in each seasoned and novice travelers, most travelers have positive traveling stories to tell. Probably, they learned the way to manage their anxieties and have regained the enjoyment of

3 Gaya Hidup Digital Paling Ngetren Dan Perlu Dicoba

Era kontemporer atau postmodern menjadi wujud kebebasan dan kemajuan teknologi. Oleh alasannya yaitu itu, gaya hidup digital sudah menjadi kebiasaan seluruh masyarakat di manapun berada.  Hampir setiap aktifitas sanggup beralih memakai sarana digital.  Baik yang berkaitan kebutuhan pribadi, pekerjaan, maupun pendidikan. Semua sanggup dimudahkan dengan adanya sarana informatika. Internet memudahkan segalanya menjadi lebih pragtis dan efisien. ibarat yang telah aku bahas sebelumnya di artikel  Tips Memilih Gaya Hidup Anak Zaman Now, Kegiatan Keren dan Bermanfaat Selain itu, pengeluaran baik biaya maupun waktu sanggup lebih efisien. Dikarenakan, adanya efek gaya hidup penggunaan internet. Contohnya perbandingan ojek online dengan ojek pangkalan. Meski ojek online lebih mengeluarkan sedikit uang saja, namun segi akomodasi dan pelayanannya lebih menyenangkan dan berkualitas . Begitupun dalam hal lainnya, sudah beralih memakai gaya hidup digital yang lebih efektif. Diantaranya ber

Bitcoin Drawing a lot of Interest From Traders, TD Ameritrade business executive Says

Congress hates it. Regulators don't know what to do with it. But cryptocurrencies like bitcoin area unit drawing increasing interest from investors, and that they wish to trade it, aforementioned Tim Hockey, the outgoing business executive of the net nondepository financial institution TD Ameritrade (AMTD - Get Report) . "Clients area unit requesting it," Hockey, 56, aforementioned in associate degree interview. Bitcoin and different cryptocurrencies area unit created by laptop programmers rather than central banks just like the FRS, and also the digital tokens in theory is used as a kind of on-line payment or a store of value. But they've drawn increasing scrutiny from U.S. lawmakers in Washington since Facebook (FB - Get Report) last month unveiled plans to start its own digital currency, Libra, as soon as next year. During 2 days of hearings in Washington last week, prime lawmakers overseeing the money trade grilled a king over the social-network company's